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The Rehabilition of Doctor Eye is an 8 Book Series, Book 6 was launched at The International Comic Art Festival (LICAF) in October 2023. Each sopies has two story lines set 12 years apart. The blue side is when Doctor Eye is the villian and nemesis of the CIA Agent Harrison. While the green side picks up 12 years later where Doctor Eye is reformed, and becomes Agent Harrison's most trusted Ally. We highly recommend buying more than 1 book and reading the blue sides before flipping to the green sides of each book.

Book 1 (Issue 1& 2) of The Rehabilitatio
Book 2 (Issue 3 & 4) of The Rehabilitati
Book 3 (Issue 5 & 6) of The Rehabilitati


Book 2:


Issue 3: 

Three Birds with One Stone

Set in Washington DC


Book 4:

The Tailor and The Bear

Set in Moscow, Russia


Book 4:


Issue 7: 

Digging Up The Past

Set in St.Petersburg &

North Virginia


Issue 8: 

The Secret Spreads

Set in Dublin, India, and London

DR EYE issue 10 cover.jpg
dr eye issue 9 cover.jpg

Book 6:


Issue 11: You Reap What You Sow is set in Washington, Berlin, and New York.


Issue 12: Eyes Without A Face is set Luxemburg, Belgium, Alaska, and Washington.


Book 1:


Issue 1:

Dead on the Day of the Dead

Set in Mexico City


Issue 2: 

Breaking the Ice

Set in Sitka, Alaska.



Book 3:


Issue 5: 

Christmas in Tokyo

Set in Tokyo and Mexico


Issue 6: 

Rendezvous on the North Coast 500

Set in Scotland and London

Book 5:


Issue 9: Baker Street Station is set in London.


Issue10: avenue secrete is set in Paris.

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